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Paper Detail

Paper ID3D-4.5
Authors Pierre-Alain Langlois, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France; Matthew Fisher, Oliver Wang, Vladimir Kim, Adobe Research, United States; Alexandre Boulch, valeo.ai, France; Renaud Marlet, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France; Bryan Russell, Adobe Research, United States
Session3D-4: 3D Image and Video Processing
LocationArea J
Session Time:Tuesday, 21 September, 13:30 - 15:00
Presentation Time:Tuesday, 21 September, 13:30 - 15:00
Presentation Poster
Topic Three-Dimensional Image and Video Processing: Stereoscopic and multiview processing and display
IEEE Xplore Open Preview  Click here to view in IEEE Xplore
Abstract We introduce an approach for computing a 3D mesh from one or more views of an object by establishing dense correspondences between pixels in the views and 3D locations on a learnable parameterized surface. We propose a multi-view shape encoder that can be jointly trained with the AtlasNet surface parameterization. The shape is further refined using a novel geometric cycle-consistency loss between the learnable parameterized surface and input views. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the ShapeNet-COCO dataset.