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Paper Detail

Paper IDBIO-3.7
Authors Hyunseok Seo, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Kelly Minje Shin, CheongShim International Academy, Republic of Korea; Yeunwoong Kyung, Hanshin University, Republic of Korea
SessionBIO-3: Biomedical Signal Processing 3
LocationArea C
Session Time:Wednesday, 22 September, 14:30 - 16:00
Presentation Time:Wednesday, 22 September, 14:30 - 16:00
Presentation Poster
Topic Biomedical Signal Processing: Medical image analysis
IEEE Xplore Open Preview  Click here to view in IEEE Xplore
Abstract Fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is usually achieved by undersampling in k-space, and reconstruction methods to image domain is indispensable. Conventional reconstruction methods rely on independent sensitivity maps of the receiver coils to synthesize the components of the spatial harmonics in k-space. In recent years, deep learning-based MRI algorithms have been providing more accurate reconstructed image than the traditional results. Nonetheless, there is room for improvement. In this study, we proposed a new deep learning-based reconstruction algorithm to use image and k-space domain data simultaneously. The Gabor filter was also defined to effectively incorporate two different domain data in learning stage. Experimental results using real MRI data show that the proposed method outperforms other deep learning-based algorithms for three metrics of nMSE, SSIM, and VIF.